We are sorry to say that all products from our website are non-authentic products. If you would like to buy authentic product please visit authentic brand websites or stores which we can not support. However we can guarantee that all our products are high quality, also made from genuine leather. You could expect from 80-95% quality compared with authentic products. If the item is not expected, you also have 30 days return policy, we hope this will make you are more confident about the purchase.
By default, the receiving product will have no brand box because we want to save the shipping cost which will also save the product price for customers. So if you would like a brand box included, please leave us a note on the checkout page.
Some products have many colors and sizes but you could not pick on the product page, please also add a note on the checkout page so that we could process exactly your expectation.
Thank you so much for shopping with us ❤
Best regards,
Vamasi Team